Strategy and framework
Our sustainability strategy provides an overarching framework to guide our Group companies to implement their sustainability strategies tailored to their own industries and individual needs.
This collaborative mindset and our concerted efforts help us create long-term, sustainable value for our stakeholders and communities as we grow stronger for the future.
Our Group sustainability strategy, Building Towards 2030, covers three strategic pillars: Leading Climate Action, Driving Responsible Consumption, and Shaping Social Inclusion. This is underpinned by a commitment to caring for our colleagues and governance for a sustainable future.
Stakeholder engagement
We actively engage our stakeholders to understand their perspectives and expectations of Jardines’ sustainability strategy. Their valuable feedback helps us to refine our initiatives and our strategy to address evolving issues of climate change, biodiversity loss and growing social inequalities. This stakeholder-driven materiality approach builds trust and goodwill between Jardines and our stakeholders.
Our Sustainability Leadership Council (‘SLC’) meets semi-annually and engages with senior management and representatives from our major businesses to shape the Group’s sustainability strategy. The SLC is chaired by Executive Chairman, Ben Keswick.
We regularly monitor sustainability trends and benchmark ourselves against our peers. Jardines is also a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (‘WBCSD’).
Our stakeholder engagement model: